Back pain is one of the most common health concerns in Canada, and it can range from mild to severe, and it often gets worse over time. Massage therapy offers a natural, drug-free way for people to relieve back pain by reducing stress on muscles and joints.
There are plenty of reasons why people experience back pain, and it can be challenging to manage. Luckily, massage therapy has been shown to help relieve this type of discomfort in many cases. Read on for more information about how massage helps with back pain and how you can find relief from your discomfort.
There are many known causes of low-back pain, including muscle strains or tears, bone spurs pressing against spinal nerves, inflammation in the joints between spinal bones (vertebrae), herniated discs that press on nerve roots exiting the spine, or infections such as osteomyelitis or Lyme disease.
Massage therapy may help reduce symptoms caused by these injuries by reducing stress and relieving tension in muscles and soft tissues. It can also help relieve pain, reduce fatigue and improve sleep quality in patients with chronic back pain. Massage therapy has shown to lower cortisol levels, a stress hormone that increases inflammation in the body, which can make existing back pain worse. This is excellent news for people suffering from chronic low-back pain because Massage therapy is a drug-free option that can be used with other treatments.
Massage therapy is also associated with lower medical costs, decreased use of opioids, and increased patient satisfaction for those suffering from back pain. They can reduce the need for surgery during recovery.
The quadratus lumborum muscle is an important bone and tissue that extends throughout your lower back. This deep-seated core muscle helps with spinal extension, which means it can be used for moving forward or backward and lateral bending to the side of what you're sitting on a chair.
When the quadratus lumborum muscle becomes tight and painful, it can cause a lot of problems. This includes symptoms like sharp pains in your lower back that seem to come from nowhere or an ache with some degree of stiffness sometimes felt near this area as well.
The gluteus medius is a muscle whose main purpose is to help with lower-body stability. This specific hip muscle also works heavily during standing straight because if there are any problems in its neighboring joints like knees, for instance - which don't have much room to move! It’s an abductor, meaning it can lift your thigh and leg sideways when you're getting out of the car or taking those steps on one foot while walking, but what makes this particular group so unique?
The biomechanics between spine alignment issues affecting either side will be felt first here due to their proximity and causing pain down either leg. Massage therapy helps ensure that the muscles surrounding it are functioning correctly, reducing stress on the joints and stimulating blood flow through your lower body. Massage has also been shown to help reduce symptoms of an overuse injury called iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome; this is a complex injury to treat because no specific area of swelling or inflammation can be targeted with medication. Massage helps the iliotibial band by increasing blood flow and reducing tension in the muscles, which reduces friction as it slides over the pelvic bone.
The gluteus medius muscle can become painful due to imbalance and weakness from several causes such as:
-Running on soft surfaces can cause muscular damage due to repeated stress.
-Excessive usage of exercise equipment requiring hip abduction
-Spontaneous, intense physical activity
-Muscle damage in the past
- Blunt trauma from being hit
Gluteus medius pain mainly affects your lower back and buttocks, and it may also be referred to as the back of your thigh, stiffness being common to limit movement in that area. Fatigue can occur due to its proximity with other muscles, which are tense at night when you lie down after sitting for long periods or even during physical activities like running if it's used often enough without taking breaks between bouts - this problem tends not only to affect glutes but hamstrings too!
For lower back pain, massage therapists should focus on the quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius muscles. These two related groups of muscle are responsible for proper function in our bodies; unless an injury has occurred specifically to one individual group, it is more likely than not that at least some fatigue or stress will affect them all together as well! Your therapist probably knows what they’re doing, so don't hesitate to ask if you suspect any problem with a specific area - most people won't mind offering up extra guidance when asked sincerely enough.
Massage therapy is the most effective treatment for eliminating back pain, and it promotes blood flow and reduces inflammation in muscles, joints, and nerves. In case you’re dealing with chronic or acute back pain, make an appointment today at Grande Prairie Physiotherapy & Massage for your massage treatment options that will help relieve your symptoms and get you feeling better! Contact us to find out more about our professional
massage services in Grande Prairie. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
At Grande Prairie Physiotherapy & Massage, our licensed therapists offer a variety of treatments that can help treat deep muscle pain, nerve pain, and chronic conditions. From hot stone massage to cupping therapy to myofascial release, we’ve got the perfect touch. Contact us today to book your appointment.
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