Looking for a deep tissue massage in Grande Prairie, Alberta? A massage focusing on the problem and pain areas of the body, the deep tissue massage will surely make you feel better. This massage therapy covers a range of strategies that deal with assisted muscle release at a deeper level. It involves the release of trigger points causing pain in the body. A deep tissue massage in our Grande Prairie location can ease tension and reduce pain symptoms. So, whether you have been recommended this massage therapy or want to try deep tissue massage, in the Grande Prairie, you have come to the right place. Our therapists are trained to get all the kinks out and make you feel better. Our sole aim is to give you a pleasant and memorable experience.
We believe in providing the mind and body relaxing benefits with massage. We first help our Grande Prairie clients understand what deep tissue massage is and what they are in for. They need to know that a deep tissue massage primarily focuses on the deeper layers of muscles and the fascia. We use our techniques to detect muscle tissues that have become distressed.
At our massage centers in Grande Prairie, our massage therapists use deep finger pressure with strokes that are firm and slow. This results in several therapeutic effects and can be used to treat many different conditions. A deep tissue massage is beneficial treatment for:
Limited range of motion
Carpal tunnel
Low back and shoulder pain
Knee and neck problems
Muscle stiffness
Micro scarring due to injury or surgery
Postural prpblems
The deep tissue massage not only brings relief from muscle tensions, it also increases flexibility of the body. It is also known to increase muscle strength of the body. Our massage therapists in Grande Prairie will first gauge the pressure bearing capacity of your body and accelerate the massage slowly. You may feel slight discomfort as the pressure escalates, but don’t worry, the discomfort is temporary.
During a deep tissue massage, our therapists may use fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows, and forearms. You may be asked to breathe deeply as the massage therapist works on tense areas. We use neuromuscular massage techniques to detect and treat distressed muscles. Before we start using greater pressure, we ensure that your skin and superficial soft tissue of the body is warm. We believe that this type of massage is ideal for the treatment of major muscle groups like the lower back or neck. It can also be used to relieve strain and treat injuries in your joints and tendons.
Remember, there is a difference between deep tissue massage and deep pressure massage. So, do not get confused between the two!
Getting a massage at our Grande Prairie location does more for your body than relieving stress! A good massage is a great way to relax the mind and body and has proven health benefits. But there is a difference between a massage and a deep tissue massage. The type of massage you choose will depend on your needs. A massage involving deep tissue is usually performed firmer and slower than a typical massage. The technique manipulates deep layers of tissue that make up your muscles and joints. Your therapist will generally require that you lie face down on your stomach or flat on your back in one position. This allows them to focus and apply pressure to your target areas. Getting a massage could be just what you need to feel better. Below are the top benefits you can see after getting your deep tissue massage at Grande Prairie Physiotherapy and Massage:
Reduces Symptoms of Arthritis: Massage is therapeutic for many patients who suffer from symptoms of arthritis. It reduces heart rate by stimulating reduced tension and relaxation. Moderate pressure is applied in massage therapy to reduce symptoms such as chronic joint pain, trouble sleeping, and range of motion. A firm massage can be used daily or intermittently to provide relief for symptoms.
Helps Reduce Anxiety and Stress: Chronic anxiety and stress can lead to inflammation of the muscles and joints causing pain and even reduced immune function. You're also at risk for high blood pressure when you're stressed out and anxious. Studies show that massage therapy can boost production of certain hormones which relaxes the body. It can also lower cortisol levels which contribute to stress by way of the adrenal glands. Massage therapy provides a natural stress relieving effect. It can also dilate blood vessels which are responsible for the autonomic nervous system. This means lower heart rate, blood pressure, and heart variability.
Helps Lower Blood Pressure: High blood pressure increases your risk of heart attack, heart failure, or cardiac death. Stress and anxiety might lead to high blood pressure or it's a genetic issue. In any case, a massage is proven to reduce blood pressure. A massage lasting 40-60 minutes can treat moderate to severe spasm or muscle strain in the heart, thereby reducing blood pressure. One study showed positive effects on diastolic and systolic blood pressure readings in adult patients with pain and high blood pressure symptoms. These patients also had heart rates at 10 beats less per minute.
At Grande Prairie, we also offer massage from a registered massage therapist. Our RMT's have gone through additional schooling to receive their qualifications and are well versed in how to safely and effectively offer massage. An RMT can manipulate your bodies soft tissues in different ways than a LMT, licensed massage therapist, can and they can also work with a variety of different acute and chronic illnesses, muscular pains, stresses, torn ligaments, disabilities, and more.
If you're in pain because of scar tissue that has healed over a wound or something too deep down for a regular massage to tare care of, focusing on deep tissue can help. Deep tissue massages can also treat and improve chronic back pain and are known to be more effective than NSAID painkillers and massage used together. If you're looking for a more holistic approach to your healthcare, deep tissue massage is it. Contact us for an appointment in Grande Prairie, AB!
For more information or to book your deep tissue massage appointment, call us at (780) 357-0095 or visit our contact page.
For more information or to book your appointment, call us at (780) 357-0095 or click the link below.
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